The new season of American Idol is off and running. I watched last night with my daughter out of sheer curiosity. I love Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez. I was sooooo hoping that this combination of judges would rock the panel. Unfortunately, one can't live on hope alone. And seriously, that's all I had and they took it away like candy from a baby. They were all soooo niiiiice. Nauseatingly, sickeningly, uselessly..NICE. It was pointless and boring and they offered little to no real observations on who HAD or didn't HAVE *IT*. It may squeeze my innards to say, but the panel needed Simon, or any facsimile there of, to cut to the chase. Kids were put through to the next round that won't survive 5 minutes. They pacified, they weenied out, and they whined over how HARD this was. OK, let's break this down for you. To judge...would mean to offer an opinion, hopefully an educated one and even times harsh when necessary. It means to make clear cut decisions and do your best at tossing the weeds in search of the roses. We ended up with a lot of weeds with an occasional rose thrown in. Here's hoping Nigel recognises where this panel is coming up short and fixes it ASAP. Otherwise, the megalith we all knew and loved as American Idol is on a very wobbly pair of last legs. I'm buying a new black outfit for the funeral while all the while hoping not to have to wear it.
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